No, I didn't slip while taking this picture. Really, I didn't. Ah, come on, quit laughing. There’s nothing quite like a sign that says “Caution: Not a walkway, slippery floor” to challenge your inner photographer. Of course, you thought, What could go wrong? You just...
Random Thoughts
In memoriam
Network Utility is no more on macOS.
Geek Christmas Trees
Turn the other knob…
Which one stops the leak again?
This is the new model
Okay Star Wars Fans, if you know, you know!
Apple TV & Toilet Seats
Today’s equivalent of the toilet seat being left up or down, is remembering to choose the right profile on your Apple TV.
Norwegian Navel Fact #5726
Do you know why ships in the Norwegian Navy all have bar codes?
Red Planet Real Estate
Real Estate Market to boom on Mars, as NASA reports “Zero cases of COVID-19 found on red planet.”
Let Decide!
Photo by Myriams Fotos on I ordered both a chicken and an egg from I'll let you know.
New Years Wish
"Let our New Year's resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word." Goran Persson
The 3 symptoms of laziness are…
This article will help you understand what the 3 symptoms of laziness are…
Would you believe “Social Distancing?”
Agent 86’s solution to social distancing during meetings.