Fun Stuff
Parallel Lines
Believe it or not, the horizontal lines are all perfectly parallel. To prove this to yourself, just squint at the image or look at it from the side. Notice that, even after you’re completely convinced that the lines are parallel, the illusion continues to work....
All the Same Color
This one’s a variation on the Munker Illusion, created by David Novick. The circles in the image are all the same color. The only thing that differs is the color of the lines around them. The illusion is a vivid demonstration of the fact that we don’t directly...
Bogus Toys
Not Exactly from Kenner!
Millennium Falcon Escape Pod
Way before “Solo: A Star Wars Story”
Roger Corman’s Star Wars
Siri in Norwegian
Almost there, almost there…
"R2-KT, fix the fuel injector, it has come loose."
Reward for behaving at Disneyland
According to the Urban Dictionary: Passhole The term cast members of Disneyworld and Disneyland have coined for season pass holders; specifically pass holders that frequent the parks on a weekly basis and behave like they own the place. "Did you see that?! That little...
Steam Boat Star Wars
The Ultimate Holiday Movie
If you want to get into the holiday spirit and have a good laugh at the same time, one movie stands out as the quintessential Holiday flick. That movie is [amazon_item_link asin="B00AEFYVGU" linktext="Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" textmode="linktext" mode="text"...